Monday, June 23, 2008

Stand Up and Smile When You're On The Phone

Since most of us make our first real contact with a client over the phone I'd like to pass on a little tip I learned when conducting radio interviews.  

Back during my days as an Olympic athlete I did a lot of radio interviews.  One I remember vividly was with a radio station from the midwest during the Olympics from Norway.)  But our media trainer taught us to stand up and smile even if we were on the phone and no one could see us.

It's amazing how you can tell what the person is doing on the other end of the phone just from their voice.  When you stand up you tend to be more alive, more animated, and it translates into your voice.  But if you are sitting down, slumping over that will come  through in your voice too.

So if you're looking to give a great impression to your prospect over the phone get off your butt!

Jonathan -

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