Monday, June 23, 2008

There Is No Relationship Between Being Good At What You Do And Getting Paid

This may come as a bit of a surprise but it's true.  There really is no difference between being good at what you do and getting paid.

Think I'm crazy?  Think about this...

Can you tell me about someone in your industry who makes more money than you do but you feel knows less than you do about your particular expertise?  I bet you can.

Now why does that person make more money than you do?  

Because his or her client base feels that they are worth it, that's why.  It's simple really.  That individual has drawn the attention of those particular clients while those clients have not had their attention drawn to anything better.  

And while it's frustrating for you to know that those people could be getting better information or service from you, they still go to that other guy who you think isn't very good.

We've all seen great marketing sell poor services.  But that should be an exciting fact to you.  Because if you have a better service, and you develop equal marketing to compete with that other too will ultimately have a more profitable business.  So get out there and start spreading the word about what's good about you!  And stop worrying that there are people out there who aren't nearly as good as you, who are making money.

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